Whispers of Maryam
by Kirby Paul Anderson, PHD-ABD, MS, BS, AAS
At the moment of each human’s death, a profound change occurs. The pure-white energy of the soul, the energy of God, given by God, begins a journey away from the physical bonds of the blue planet. The journey is the most important process all humans will ever deal with, yet many, many events can, and do, go wrong.
At the moment of death, each person will acquire the knowing of the universe instantly. Each person will know and understand God’s plan for them and know intimately if their choices made on the blue planet were congruent with God’s plan. The depth of knowing will be frightening as each person will understand instantly how their choices fulfilled God’s plan or fulfilled their deadly sins. Fear, true fear, beyond anything ever known, will make many souls recoil as they understand how their years upon the blue planet were not lived for God but for themselves. A host of other reasons will make many other souls recoil from the knowing, but fear will be the strongest. It is at the point of recoil that the process of death breaks down.
Souls cannot reenter their earthly bodies under most circumstances and yet have recoiled from engaging the knowing, engaging God. There is a very finite time period when each soul must enter the knowing and join God. If the time period is missed, if the soul misses their chance, they become neither part of the blue planet nor part of the universe; and they are lost, forever to be part of neither world.
Two brothers born to Irene and Bob–Dana the oldest, Raney the youngest–died as infants and became lost souls. Another brother, Kirby, born with raw empathic skills, the ability to feel the smallest vibrations of the blue planet, felt his lost brothers since very early childhood. A journey of over fifty years connected Kirby to the earth, to lost souls, to the universe, and ultimately, to God to help find a way for his two lost brothers to transform their lost energy and join God.
Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus Christ, prompted Kirby to chronicle the journey through letters to his oldest sister, Melanie. Within this book, within these letters, is a very rare glimpse of a human being on the blue planet, being trained with sacred knowledge to fulfill God’s plan for his specific life. To say Kirby was successful would be the biggest of all understatements.
Letters from Mother
These are letters my mother wrote to me after I shared the book with her.
July 20, 2013
Dear Kirby,
Let me say first of all that I am very happy to hear you are feeling better than you have been. It seems like you have struggled more than your share.
I read with great interest about your healing abilities. Can you heal yourself of things? I thought one place it sounded like you did but you must not or you would not have spent so much time and money doctoring. Maybe it works on just those you are told to heal?
I read your whole writing (much of it twice) and would love to actually visit with you about a lot of it. You do a splendid job of writing, it flows along so smoothly. But it was like reading a suspense novel, I could not quit reading because I was so curious what was coming next.
Your memories of your child hood brought back many memories to me. I have spent almost 45 years trying to wipe those years out of my mind. Many of the good memories went with the bad. Dana and Raney are still my babies and I hold them dear. I often wonder what kind of men they would have been by now. Both deaths were so unexpected and such a shock. Much of the pain and suffering still linger. I am happy that they feel so much a part of your life. Most people have a guardian angel, there must be some reason you have two. Do you ever sense that they are sending a message to you – or for me?
Your ability to hide your thoughts, feelings, pain and etc. come straight from your Mother. How often have you heard me talk about Dana and Raney – or your Dad? I have lived in this area 40 years and no one knows anything about my past. Not because I feel a need to hide it, it just never comes up. Megan has asked more about my life than anyone.
I was intrigued by your search for things relating to God and to Christ. You have gone farther and dug deeper than most of us who sit in church every Sunday. I can relate to the feeling of whether Christ dwells in some churches and not others. I have a very good feeling for the Methodist church here in WS. Especially when I am there alone. I’m not keen on sermons but the music touches me deeply. All the time Delmar was so sick in SF the hymn “God Will Take Care of You” was in my mind and brought great comfort. I do not understand all you wrote about churches and people involved from way back but I do not doubt that you have touched on things that many of us will ever know. I recall you finding a Bible one time and what a profound affect it had on you. The pictures of the Detroit churches and of your flower garden were great. I also remember all the rocks you had at one time and how much some of them meant to you. I still have the little rock you gave me at your wedding to Donna. And somewhere I have a cup full of polished rocks you gave me.
There is so much more I would like to visit about but as usual my day is calling me with many mundane things that need to be done.
I love you, Kirby, and am so thankful that you are sharing your thoughts and feelings and the happenings in your life. There were times that I felt I had lost you as certainly as I had lost Dana and Raney.
July 26, 2012
Dear Kirby,
There have been quite a few articles just the last few days that I thought would interest you.
And I keep thinking about your writings. My heart ached for you when I read about your panic at the airport. Delmar had a real attack of panic while we were on our bus trip. I told him I was going outside to take some pictures. He opted to stay in the motel room. On my way outside, I stopped and talked to some one and then outside I found a few interesting things to look at. When I got back to the room he was really upset because he was afraid I had fallen in the stream that ran by the parking lot – or maybe I got lost – or kid napped and he had no idea who to call or how to do it. He was just frantic. So I could emphasize your airport attack.
You mentioned your camper and the campground out in Rapid Valley. I remember being there one time and fell in love with the campground. Lovely place which is long gone by now, I would guess.
I did not understand what you did with John and could not find it again quickly. Did it help him?
Raney had been dead a few days and I started having a dream. I was standing out in the front yard holding him. He was wrapped in a blanket and I so wanted to flip it back and see his face one more time. But even tho I was sleeping, I was aware that he had been gone several days and that the weather had been quite warm and that surely decay was setting in. After a few nights of the same dream, I finally got up nerve enough to flip the blanket back. He was awake and he gave me the most beautiful smile. The moment did not last nearly long enough and I woke up. I could hardly wait for the next night to come and I would dream again, but it was a one time thing and I will cherish it forever.
The morning is sliding by and we have company coming. Tom and Michel and their daughter, Maren and her family. They are coming for a wedding and needed a place to sleep.
Love you, Kirby. Hope things are going well with you, Mother.